It is all
for the dogs.
Our journey began on the Summer Solstice 2005 when we drove to Alamosa, Colorado to adopt a six-month-old malamute husky mix found in northern New Mexico. After many hours of laughing at trying to choose a name, we came up with Basil – one of our favorite herbs. For 15 ½ years, Basil was our faithful road trip companion and loyal sous chef, never missing out on a chance to taste what was on the menu for the day.
Our pack grew when we adopted Thyme 11 years later and then Dill in October 2021. These two have now taken over as the household sous chefs. While we are grateful for so much in our lives, our dogs and creating delicious food together are what truly makes us happy. Sarah’s biscuit Company grew from us sharing our nutritious and delicious food with our dogs, and ultimately creating their own biscuits and snacks.
Pack update: July 2024
Our pack has gone through a lot of changes over the last 6 months. We have left our home in Fort Collins, Colorado for new opportunities and adventures in southwestern Montana. While this journey brought much joy to our pack, we all had to take some time to heal after losing our big boy Dill this May. We deeply miss our gentle and silly Sir, but his spirit lives on with us. We look forward to welcoming another husky in need of a home into our pack in the near future.
For the love and honor of all the amazing dogs out there,
Sarah and Jeff (and the herb crew)
Found near Chama New Mexico wandering with her 5 siblings, Basil was brought into rescue in Alamosa, Colorado and found by us on Living a long life of 16 years, she was the sturdiest, toughest dog we have ever known. She always lived life to the fullest no matter what health issue was thrown at her later in life. A favorite memory of ours is watching her dip her paws in the Arctic Ocean…we promised we would take her to the homeland.
The Mighty Sherman, Baby B, Baby Bumpkin and MyshanIf she could have talked…
“Live your life like I have, and it will be fulfilling and magical…face adversity and pain directly and kick it to the ground, be quirky and spunky, love hard, be grateful, find joy in something every day, have fun and laugh…be true to yourself and those you love…your pack is everything.” -
Rescued outside of Boulder, Colorado at just a couple months old, this precious little pup was bottle fed by an amazing foster family until she joined our family at 3 months old. Miss Thyme is a perfect tale of an insecure and impulsive puppy turned confident and joyful dog through constant love, a healthy diet, daily routine, positive training, and mental stimulation. She does everything her way (in the typical northern breed fashion), with intensity and emotion and is keenly aware of everything that goes on around her. She loves making snow angels, especially while sliding down a hill. Her passion in life is NoseWork! She may be an Alaskan Husky but mushing was not her thing. NoseWork is her calling and she is making all the northern breed dogs out there proud by crushing it and having a blast while doing so!
Thymey, Sugar Bear, L.B., Dandelion, and PadawanIf she could talk…
”Being smart, sassy, and adorable gets you everything” -
This handsome older gentleman spent 9 years in South Dakota severely neglected until he was relinquished to a local shelter. In poor health, they were able to treat him and place him with a rescue in Minnesota. In the loving care of his fabulous foster home for almost a year, no one ever inquired about him until we made the journey from Colorado to Minnesota to spend a few days getting to know him. We decided that he would be a good fit in our family, especially since Thyme accepted him, and made the adoption final. One of my favorite memories of Dill is the journey home. We left the hotel that early fall morning and picked him up from his foster family. After some tears were shed, we promised to give him the best life he is so deserving of and began the journey back to Colorado. He stood in the back of our VW van with his head in my lap the whole drive home. I could feel he trusted me although everything was scary and new to him. When he stepped out of the van into our driveway, I knew we made the best decision and this sweet old boy would blossom and finally get to thrive.
Sir, Silly Dilly, Big Boy, Sir Noah Dill and BowserIf he could have talked…
“Never underestimate us older gentlemen. The years have made us wise. We can learn new tricks and we will bond with you and thrive just as any puppy does.”
Our story would not be complete without including..
The Catalyst
Our story would not be complete without including Sweetie. This mystery mutt (part Wookiee) from the Dumb Friends League in Denver was my special girl, though she technically was my parents dog. She spent a lot of time with Jeff and me and eventually joined our pack on the many moves throughout the mountain west after we adopted Basil. She is what sparked our love and dedication to the underdog. The ones that need a little extra patience and understanding. She was our greatest protector, both on and off the trail, letting us know with her body language and guttural sounds that someone or something was bad news. I always laugh that she gave the ultimate approval of Jeff, one of the few people that she really truly loved and trusted. Though our girl passed on July 18th 2013 at the age of 16, she is still with us in spirit, forever and always.
Sweetie Bear, The Sentinel, Boobarooni, and T Bear
If she could have talked...
"Trust your intuition always."